Film Screening: Voyage In Utopia

4 04 2008

I’m delighted to be assisting in hosting a film screening by Laurent Le Gall, a French filmmaker who has spent several years making a film about the Temple culture at Burning Man. This is an important film because it is depting the Holographic and self-organizing way of life being modeled by the Burning Man Experience. This way of Being is natural for us. Our highly controlled, structured way of life is just like an illusory overlay on top of the “reality” which is always there, underneath the unnatural ways our culture thinks are normal. Life is Art.

Life is Art.

As we feel into this knowing, we are activating our natural self, awakening it into it’s fullest expression.

I celebrate this film as an ‘awakener’ with the potential to activate us further into living in ‘reality.’naturalspace.jpg



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