Visionary Stewards from the Animal Kingdom: Elephant Paints Self Portrait

11 04 2008

This is one of the most inspiring videos I’ve seen.

Our animal friends are awake, aware alive… not only that, they are ARTISTS.

They are VISIONARY STEWARDS, showing US the way home to real-eyes-ing — true-seeing, that we are not alone, we are All One.

I hold the space for humanity waking up, and moving beyond the paradigm of self-hate and recapitulation which would allow harming one another or other species. May we grow, evolve, change, love and thrive.

The elephants will help us.

Cultural Alchemistry: Cipes, Singing Bear & Fox

7 04 2008
The time is now for community activation of a joyful and grand kind. The Cultural Alchemistry of this weekend at the first Evolution Festival among Singing Bear, Cipes, myself and others involved felt very ‘forward moving’ for the concious community activation underway.  We have a resonance which is helping people take the high road into defining our individual roles in upcoming times as leaders of the new paradigm, actualizing our true Service as Love and Joy. The Raw Foods Presence at the event was robust ~ high vibe food for superheroes! We are evolving…
Saturday the 5th, the first Evolution Festival took place in Fairfax, California. My friend Singing Bear of Aumnibus was the lead producer. He did a phenomenal job bringing community together, along with Dean, Emrys, Matthew Edwards of Circle Center and others in the community. I MC’ed the night show, and it felt great to hold space for three amazing bands and also to speak with an enthusiastic crowd about Visionary Stewardship and activating our super hero powers to new levels of community interaction and global service. We had a blast! Blane Lyon and Hamsa created outstanding musical soundscapes as did Greg Cipes of Cipes and the People.
Laura Fox MC's at Evolution Festival
laura fox mc’ing at evolution fest
Cipes and The People drove up for the night show. They totally rocked the house once again, just like they did at the Raw Lifestyle Film Festival. Cipes is raw foods enthusiast, actor, commuity activator, and musician whom I had met at the Raw Lifestyle Film Festival. He is truly inspirational in helping us all wake up and remember who we are and why we are here. Cipes of Cipes & The People
greg cipes of cipes and the people
There is a Cultural Alchemistry with the vision-work-energy of Singing Bear, Cipes and me that feels like a new wave of cohesive resonace which has the capacity to touch so many people to the core, to help us all jump into our Highest Expression of Service with Joy. We all ‘get it’ about activating our ability to create new realities of our own choosing, such as we’ve been doing in Anchor The Dream. Many raw foods vendors were at the show, including Steve of Sacred Heart Chocolates, Adam of Gold Rush (his noni gold is off the hook!!) and Moon made delicious raw vegan meals. One of the threads that arose in the show is the idea of a Gift Economy. Many of us are thinking about this now and discovering ways we can bring the Gift Economy in pockets into the culture through events and online interchanges. More will be revealed soon… I’m totally stoked, because Cipes & The People will be playing at the Harmony Festival Community Stage and Eco Village Stage, which I’m managing. Cipes and Singing Bear and I will be co-hosting the Eco Village Stage at Harmony. It’s going to be an incredibly powerful weekend, June 6-8 in Santa Rosa. I do have some room for volunteers, as well as a few spots left for vendors and educational exhibits in the Eco Village.
Singing Bear at Evolution Fest 08
singing bear at evolution fest in fairfax 08
Much love!! Laura

Film Screening: Voyage In Utopia

4 04 2008

I’m delighted to be assisting in hosting a film screening by Laurent Le Gall, a French filmmaker who has spent several years making a film about the Temple culture at Burning Man. This is an important film because it is depting the Holographic and self-organizing way of life being modeled by the Burning Man Experience. This way of Being is natural for us. Our highly controlled, structured way of life is just like an illusory overlay on top of the “reality” which is always there, underneath the unnatural ways our culture thinks are normal. Life is Art.

Life is Art.

As we feel into this knowing, we are activating our natural self, awakening it into it’s fullest expression.

I celebrate this film as an ‘awakener’ with the potential to activate us further into living in ‘reality.’naturalspace.jpg

Welcome To Vision Garden!

16 03 2008

Presenting At The 2008 Raw Lifestyle Film Festival

11 03 2008

The 2008 Raw Lifestyle Film Festival: A FilmFest Celebrating Sustainability at The Grand Theatre in West Hollywood


It is my honor and pleasure to be invited by Raw Lifestyle Film Festival
Founder Dorit to present an award and give a brief talk at the Raw
Lifestyle Film Festival in LA this March 21-23.

I will be one of the judges and greeters, and will also be giving a short
talk on Visionary Stewardship, Living Foods & Permaculture. I must
search out the perfect formal gown… oh my!

I’m looking forward to seeing many friends from around the world and having
a great weekend in LA. I celebrate Dorit and what she is doing with the
Festival. She is a true force for change and harmony in the world!
Thanks Dorit!

Please check out FilmFest details on her site:

This festival is a celebration of film makers who dedicate their talents, income and energy to examining what sustainability really means: from how we birth our young, to how we raise children, the construction
and design of homes in which we live, to how we deal with illness and how all this is reflected in how we feed ourselves, to how we treat others in the animal kingdom all in the name of “the perfect steak” the “fashionable coat or accessories” or for entertainment, and its impact on all spheres of life on Earth. The film makers from around the world whose films have been chosen will be on hand to answer questions from the audience and press/media and offer their perspectives on why they believe their films were important to make.
“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and create a trail.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

The 2008 Raw Lifestyle Film Festival
21st-23rd March, 2008
Downtown Los Angeles, California USA
310 928-7689 or 310-854-2078
A FilmFest Celebrating Sustainability

Golden Spiral Maui Activation & Raw Vegan Retreat

1 01 2008

Golden Spiral Maui PERSONAL & PLANETARYACTIVATION & Raw Vegan Retreat with Mikael King, Laura Fox, Elaina Love, Band of Light! Raw Vegan Activation Gyration!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
– Sunday, January 13, 2008

Aloha and Happy New Year!

I’ll be in Hawaii for most of January and February.
Good job, Universe! I’m loving it!

We’ll be blessed with Divine Raw Vegan Cuisine all week with the lovely Elaina Love. We have quite an
exceptional line up of activities including a trip on the Dolphin Boat,
Visionary Stewardship, Designing Your Highest Destiny Path —
Holographically —!! so please
feel free to request the schedule from Mikael and Jodi so you can check
out the details further:

I’m overjoyed to be helping Mikael facilitate the retreat.

Please check it out at, it’s coming up soon and I think there are still a few spots left.

Here’s what Mikael writes about the retreat:

Come experience a LIFE-Transforming, ALL-INCLUSIVE four night/five
day exquisite taste of the OHM Communiversal Spiral Vision in Magical
Maui at Hale Hoomana Retreat Center this January 9th – 13th, 2008!

The NEW YEAR Dreaming Waters of Haleakala-Maui are calling you to
CO-CREATE with us the next embodied level of Spiritual Transformation,
Holographic living, Global Eco-Community Downloads, and Spiral
Education with us on the FIRST NEW MOON Week of 2008!


Source dreams the harmony of the universe into material existence through the perfect geometry of the golden spiral.

The Golden Mean or Spiral Sequence is the name derived by the
Divine Proportion or PHI ratio ‘discovered’ in all of organic nature
that creates incredibly efficient growth patterns, coherence,
harmonics, and inherent sustainability of all manifest energy. PHI is a
constant value, which is a number with no arithmetical solution. The
decimals just keep on going into infinity without ever repeating

The Phythagoreans, Leonardo Da Vinci, Plato, and many others
intentionally used this shape for they found it everywhere in nature:
the Nautilus Sea Shell, Ram’s horns, milk in coffee, human bone
structure, the face of a Sunflower, a cedar pinecone, your
fingerprints, our DNA, and the shape of the Milky Way Galaxy. Crop
Circles are often created in various forms of the Spiral because it is
the code that embeds information into the Earth Grid more than any

If we view the universe as the nonlinear plane of clouds that
encompasses all dimensions and frequencies, then the spiral is how we
break into the plane of the 3D world through this energetic flightpath
down into manifestation. This is the only geometric way the universe
can generate charge and motion – a force that creates the
Electromagnetic Spin Field that composes the entire spectrum of our

The golden ratio spiral is fractal in nature (meaning self-similar
and infinitely repeating through all dimensions), without end, without
beginning. Because of this mirrored resonance of itself, harmonics of
light, sound, and energy travel through the spiral form with zero
resistance, which means energy becomes superconductive through it.

As this energy spins faster than the speed of light, a black hole
is created which breaks through the linear spacetime domain and unites
with Source. This form is what links all units of creation with each
other, generates SYCHRONICITY, perfect design, and connects us with the
Quantum Field where the seemingly impossible becomes reality as the
spiral of our co-creative consciousness connects with the ‘future’
desired manifestation… the manifestation which is already real and
impulsing you in the mirrored ‘past’ to think of it!

Can’t get your head around it? Just register your body,heart,mind, soul for Maui and leave the rest to us!

Golden Spiral Communiversity Retreat Facilitators

Throughout the Golden Spiral Communiversity Retreat, we will be
facilitating a new self-empowering experience where all participants
will joyfully support in the beautiful co-manifestation of our shared
retreat temple space. From the incredible workshops to the preparing of
live food with Elaina Love, from assisting in alter set up to helping
with the sweat lodge, from carpooling to the whale boat to supporting
someone’s healing process, from relaxing in the tubs to sharing
holographic living space, everyone will be asked to come into direct
engagement with co-creative service. It is no longer valid for there to
be any seperation between facilitators and participants, this is a
roundtable Golden Spiral Retreat gathering which will go deeper and
further than anything we together have ever experienced before!

Goddess Almighty, it is about time!

After FIVE spiritually creative DivineJoy retreats in the last 3
YOU! As we leave the year 2007 for 2008, it is now, more than ever, the
perfect time to abundantly unite, open up the sacred heart, and
joyfully transform together into supporting and living this New Earth
Communiversal Lifestyle right here, right now in Maui.

We are absolutely ready to be in complete communiversal consciousness with you and we pray you FEEL the same!

Without a doubt, the Golden Spiral Communiversity Retreat will be a
GLORIOUS inter-generational focal point gathering that will sew the
global seed codes for Embodied Transformation and Co-Creative
Communiversity for 2008 and many years to come!

If you are RESONATING with our Intent, Join us in Maui today!

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Sustainable MBA? Wow, That’s Cool.

21 12 2007

Celebrating Sustainable MBA Programs! is an accredited University which offers an MBA in Sustainable Business. I’m speaking with one of their students, Brett about this, while we are driving North from the Bay Area to Shasta for a Solstice weekend. The weather is clear, and all of us in the car are aligned with our common notion that we need to build community and leverage our collective skills to move into a new paradigm of collaboration beyond competition to create solutions to the current global challenges we face, ecologically, socially, economically, mentally and emotionally.

Brett was drawn to attend Presidio in San Francisco because he is passionate about sustainability, and has always wanted to be able to apply it to his life, and has done so in every way, except in the area of his paid work in the world. There has of course been a divide between the people with resources and the people who have solutions to these challenges, and creating bridges between the worlds of money, resources and visions is the master key to spinning the wheel of manifestation for the many visionary and ecological projects now seeking funding and activation.

As I mention the prophecy of The Eagle and the Condor as a visionary template which supports these intentions, Brett brings out his Native American flute and tells me an elder from the Incan tradition had told him of this prophecy as well. The prophecy states that at a certain time, the people of Vision would come together with the people of means and resources to create a bridge and a ceremony of collective solutions which help humanity collectively birth the new ways of being leading to an age of harmony and light.

He says, “Presidio is filled with people who are passionate about their work, and actively disscovering their calling for the work we are meant to bring to the world.
People who are trying to align their values with their profession are
attracted to this place.
Presidio teaches leadership skills for how to change corporate structures, your base business skills, while the main platform of the program is leading social change, with many communications classes and systems classes. You learn the basics of accounting and information, yet also learn what’s wrong and ‘not sustainable’ with current practices and learn ways to change it.”

“I like to open up the space to where what I’m applying myself to on a full-time basis is working towards producing a better world,” says Brett.

Wow, I really celebrate this.

This shift in consciousness is exactly what is needed to bring people into their passion in their work-life. Imagine a culture where everyone is doing work that they absolutely love, in total alignment with their personal integrity. This kind of shift makes a huge difference in the kind of work that gets produced, in the interactions between and among members of any organization, and creates a climate of collaboration based on joy, sustainability and a common focus for the greater good. The old paradigm of work-as-pain is over, and the possibility for people to make money and receive benefit from their efforts is now burgeoning into the collective consciousness, and I personally send my blessings of empowerment and love so we can all co-create ways and means of economic well-being which actually are in harmony with our desires for sustainability and harmonious living in a Visionary Culture.

I am excited that a whole new wave of business leaders are emerging now who will be able to assist in professional management of the many conscious, eco-social projects which are emerging from the many networks of world-servers I am in touch with.

Brett says “Its very frightening and satisfying at the same time to be immersed in this environment, because you are immersed in all the latest data and thinking of how much time we have on when systems are going to start breaking down. For example, the level of greenhouse gases that scientists had hoped we wouldn’t reach has been surpassed: 450 parts per million. So all the latest news that has been coming out is that it’s happening a lot faster than we thought. At the same time, a lot of new technologies and cultural shifts both in business and in other societal sectors, evidence that the counterbalance is happening as well. So it’s really hopeful because you get all this information about the good stuff that is happening at the same time as the problems are crystal clear. It’s a very charged environment to be immersed in right now.”

The college is growing every year. Brett has 50 students in his class. There are three other business schools which are also focusing on sustainability. Bainbridge Graduate Institute in Seattle, there’s another one in the Bay Area called the New World College, and a third has just opened up on the east coast.

There are real life based learning opportunities and the college works with non-profits and groups to assist in making business plans. I highly recommend our family of activated eco-social entrepreneurs check this out and leverage the opportunity to work with people focused on the business end who can help us get our more qualitative and down-to-earth work and projects into manifestation with excellent new paradigm business practices.

Brett is open to correspondence on this topic at Presidio has an open forum which people can visit. The school’s discussion forum is open to the public at

More information on Sustainable MBA Programs is here:

Stanford is listed in this article as having a good program, along with these groups:

Brett’s School Presidio is here:

I want to offer that we all spread the word about these programs to anyone who is interested in being a New Paradigm Business Leader. If our collective can bring in people with money skills who hold a common vision of a sustainable, harmonious culture, and “get our money act together” with the help of those who have these grounded skills, there is no limit to what we can co-create.

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Waking Up Humanity

5 12 2007
Waking Up Humanity

Brothers and Sisters of the Light, Beings Divine, Friends,

We have a mission and a purpose.

We have the powers of Creation embedded into the fabric of our very being, with and by and through the power of Universal Divine Love.

It is time for us to take it to the next level, to take ourselves to the next level of our abilities and our willingness to leverage them on behalf of a sleeping humanity and our beautiful mother planet, Eart.

Not with fear, not with resistance, not with judgment or blame:

With the pure power of our Creative Essence and… Pure Joy.

I have been having many conversations with God/Source/Creator of All Creators/Pure Love/Well-Spring of Our Collective Being lately.

Activated as I am by the appearance of all the truly unwanted manifestations which are rearing their heads threatening to arise in our world, I tell God, “I have compassion for Humanity, God. I want them to be well. I want them to be safe. Please wake them up.”

 say this to God because I think this “waking up” is the CORE RESPONSE that is required to steer the collective consciousness nose-dive back up into a desired flight pattern. To “dive for” that volleyball, hitting the sand with joy and power, and getting this planet’s consciousness back up into the Higher Realms of Love from which we came.

The response from our Divine Creator, our Source called by many names, is that I am — and we who know are — to SPEAK and share WHAT TO DO. Creator has said many are feeling a need to do something, but they don’t know WHAT to do.

I know what to do. I don’t know why, particularly, other than that I have been asking to be a conduit of Divine Love for the healing of humanity and awakening of the heart for many many years. I have been seeing the times for what they are, and I have faith in Our Collective Ability To Create Beautiful Outcomes.

The Divine Self within me has asked me ::: us ::: to express this far and wide.

Many of you are already getting these same instructions, these same downloads. My message to those of you who are, is:

Please DO NOT HOLD BACK AT ALL! Remind everyone of our powers of creation, daily!  Become inspired to find new ways to do this! I anybody can shift it, we can.

We are the Light Workers, we
are the ones we have been waiting for. It’s time for us to leverage our
powers of creation upon the benefit of our world and all mankind to
steer collective consciousness in a new direction. Those of us who KNOW have an ABILITY TO RESPOND by teaching and reminding each one we meet, in some way, that they too have the Powers of Creation in them; that they can HOLD the TRUE VISION of a HEALED, HARMONIOUS HUMANITY and a beautiful sustainable way of living in their minds and hearts, and bring it forth. Together, we can do it.

If you have been doing your homework, as you most likely have, then you already know our thoughts, words, deeds coupled with visualizations and desired outcomes plus the key ingredient of FEELING-LOVE-ENERGY brings things forth into manifestation, affecting our personal and even our collective experience.

This is a fact. We are doing it all the time, we just are not always thinking and feeling everything we want and desire, with so much contrast in the world continually grabbing our attention.

However, we shall not despair – nor resist, nor be afraid. We shall LEVERAGE WHAT WE KNOW to be a COMMUNION OF GOOD BLESSINGS  on behalf of one another and our world.

This is a crucial moment.

The entire Universe is watching as humanity… decides.

Yes, as Humanity decides it’s own fate. Will we stay in slumber, attached to outmoded paradigms and ideals based on scarcity, hate, separation and unknowing? Will the mass of humanity continue to watch television, imbibe and eat too much, avoiding all true feeling? Will we be afraid of being true to ourselves and speaking out, blaming one another? Will we watch and stand by feeling powerless?

Or will we FORGIVE ONE ANOTHER, ACTIVATE OURSELVES, and WAKE UP to the higher priority structure which is now blatantly apparent to any that have any sense of reality?

The Higher Priority Structure is calling us to LIVE fully, to be true to what feels REALLY GOOD to each of us, from a soul or spirit perspective– from a HEART perspective — to share our gifts without hesitation and without allowing old paradigm structures getting in the way of our giving of our gifts. And, yes, to do all this with JOY! Silly joy. Giddy joy. Off-the-hook, outrageous, uncontrollable joy-bliss-mirth-fun. These are the rarefied vibrations which will allow us to LIFT OFF and ENTRAIN collective consciousness into the higher vibrations of safety, well-being, mutually supportive co-creational energetics and Divine Love.

The most important thing we can do right now is VISUALIZE while AFFIRMING scenarios of realities of our own choosing.  What would be a great outcome to current situations? Would we see peace between all nations? Clean rivers? Fresh wonderful air? New ways of interacting with one another from a healed point of view? How about if we all imagined, every day for 1 minute, all people on earth smiling and forgiving one another?

If its true that we are our brothers and sisters’ keepers, THIS is the mechanism for this “keeping.” Keeping them safe, sending abundant blessings to all ::: not just talking about it, but DOING it! Actually getting real with our Source: Actually dialing in the FEELING, the PICTURES, the WORDS, the ENERGY ACTIVATION to press fort the Divine Energies of Love into our Visions with the blessings of the Creator, the earth, and all beings of light who love and adore and are rooting for us.

I think

we can do it.

How about you?

In response to my own inner calling, I will be writing a series of Reality Creation Instructions. Enjoy. Listen. Feel. Love. Be. Do. … Awaken! I celebrate us.



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Resources for Global Activation

5 12 2007

Here are two awesome groups who are really helping our world come together with visionary solutions. I celebrate them. Please check them out!
Bali Institute for Globa Renewal

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We are the ones we have been waiting :::::: for

27 11 2007

Music is the core of the awakening consciousness movement. If it’s true
we have the power of creation in us as the seed of who we are then we
ought to use it. If we are who we are beginning to realize we are,
co-creators of all experience, then it’s time for us to step up and
become Visionary Stewards.

Not only is it time it is THE MOST
SATISFYING THING we can ever do. If we look around at happenings in the
world and feel powerless, it’s time to reach out and ask for the
reminder of who we are and what we are capable of doing.

We can do this, together. We can shift the planetary consciousness.
We can awaken every bit of compassion in our being and bring in
mercy-grace-healing-love-heart opening affirmations of the Joy of Life
countering and encountering all experience with wisdom and … an
attitude of profound gratitude.

We can sing our way home, om, together. If music is the heart of
the movement, and I believe it is, then we have the capactity, the
ability, the inspiration to NOW leverage our powers of creation to
collectively co-create the most profound musical experiences of
awakening and MOVE our bodies to the rhythms of the very life which
sustains us, which we are. This is what I propose. This is what I stand
for. This is what I love. It’s go time. Somebody pushed the go=button.
I think it was me (and you).

If we can, lets.

Lets shift collective consciousness one rawked out galactivated superhero song at a time.

Let’s dance.

Let’s dance this planet back into harmonic synergies of light, just because we CAN. And together, it’s more fun. 🙂

Love, Laura

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